Mods for the Fender 64’ Deluxe Reverb

 Fender’s handwired 64’ Deluxe Reverb can be modded to sound much more vintage, less harsh, and much less noisy than it is out of box. The 64’ Deluxe Reverb is a modified version of the mid 60’s Fender Deluxe Reverb. There are some neat features like bias wiggle tremolo and some smart changes that make the amp more reliable like added fuses. However, it misses the mark as far as tone. It’s a harder and harsher sounding than it’s progenitor and very noisy. The two channels are setup as Bright and Normal and both have reverb. This leaves off the useful Normal channel the old amps had that had a warmer sound more subdued tone than the reverb channel.

At Carl’s Custom Amps we’ve developed some changes that make the amp far better sounding and offer some optional mods too. When done you’ll have an amp that will sound as good as any vintage example.

Here’s what we do:

  1. Reduce the floor noise—-less hiss. We change out the noisy low quality resistors, improve the wire routing, etc…

  2. Make the amp more touch sensitive and warm sounding like a real Deluxe Reverb.

  3. Modify the amp so that you have a vintage style normal channel and a reverb channel with push pull switch so you can have the bright and normal sounds

  4. Upgrade the Output Transformer for better sound

These mods run $375 with the trade in value of the old OT.

Options (contact for pricing):

  1. NOS Power Tubes and Pre-amp tubes or Hi End Hifi quality tube sets

  2. Speaker change options—-the stock speaker is okay but does tend to be a bit on the thin side these speaker options will all improve the tone.

    1. Weber DT12 for players who want warm breakup and more moderate volume. Great for plays who want the breakup to come from the amp.

    2. Weber 12F150 for a great all-round clean sound that takes pedals well. Similar to a 60’s Jensen C12N

    3. Weber California for players looking for an ultra-clean country picking sound

    4. Weber Michigan for player wanting a huge even tone with no speaker break up. Great for SRV tones, jazz players, and for pedals.

    Use the contact form to get started today!

    Note: Please pack well when sending your amp’s chassis and tubes in. If the packaging is not sufficient to meet FedEx’s insurance requirements will repack and charge you for the packing materials.


Customer Comments:


The amp is absolutely amazing, beyond my expectations, thank you so much!”


Hi Carl,

I wanted to send you a quick message to let you know that I love the amp! You did great work on it. It is dead silent while not in use and it has the classic BFDR sound and few that I was looking for. Thank you sir! 

I will recommend you if any of my compadres have any amp issues in the future!

Nic P.

"Carl did a fantastic job. I sent him a very good amp and he sent back a GREAT one that is everything players covet about truly vintage Fender tone, articulation, response, and that “certain something”. He'll be getting my Princeton Reverb (pcb) next!"

~Jeff K, western Massachusetts

“Hey Carl,

Amp arrived here earlier safely with no issues. The amp sounds great. Not that I am a skeptic, but I was very surprised at how good it sounds. I love that speaker too. Night and day from how it was before…..thank you for your time and all the fine work!”

Alan C.

“Getting used to the amp, learning where my sweet spots are, I put the JBL in right away, love that speaker. The amp is super touch sensitive and has much more character. Playing through my oxbox I can open it up and attenuate for playing in a quiet room, which is all I need. The constant floor hum is gone…. the stock unit had some really bad noise all the time, even when volume was turned down, and that’s gone.

All in all I'm super pleased so thanks!……”

Bill D.

“CC... you did a beautiful job on my Deluxe. Amazing tone along with that Archer Pedal. I'm just so happy and I see why your so busy. your great at what you do. If there's another pedal that would go with the Archer, please let me know... thanks for everything Carl. Awesome job. JC”