Mods for Fender 65’ Super Reverb

 The Fender RI 65’ Twin Super has been around for a long time now and is an amp that is generally reliable and has a big clear tone. Unfortunately, it’s a lot more sterile sounding than the original it is based on. It’s cold and less responsive. That’s were these mods come in. The upgrade some critical components and tweak the circuitry to give it a close very close to a prized 60’s Super that you hear and feel under your finger tips. We’ve been doing these types of upgrades to the Blackface RI amps for many years, and they always get rave reviews.

I offer these as kits for your local tech to install. I also offer a couple of different speaker upgrades that will even further enhance the tone.

What we do:

  • Upgrade the electrolytic capacitors to F&T and ultra long life radials.

  • Tweak the circuit in few key places for better sound, touch sensitivity, richer harmonics.

  • Increase the reliability of the power tubes while increasing touch sensitivity.

  • Replace the Output Transformer for Hammond which is built vintage correct.

Contact us to get started!

We recommend sending us just the chassis tubes and give instructions to help you pack it up. This greatly reduces the cost of shipping. Speaker are very easy to install since Fender uses quick connect speaker spades.


Mods (No Speakers) $430 plus shipping

Mods with Weber 10A125 Alnico Speaker Set $1021 plus shipping

Mods with Weber DT 10 (the speaker Derek Trucks uses in his Supe Reverbs) Speaker Set $997 plus shipping